Other Types of Shops
Your employees represent your company to customers and prospective residents. A mystery shop program enhances their presentations.
We perform all conventional types of shops but specialize in video shops. All shops include an online evaluation, access to appropriate portions of our internal database
system and quarterly reporting.
Our standard evaluations can be used or we can customize an evaluation for your specific needs.
We use experienced mystery shoppers who also complete specific certifications for your industry. They are also coached on how to allow the sales or leasing consultant
to perform at their very best.
All shops include an online evaluation, access to appropriate portions of our internal database system and quarterly reporting
- Narrative Shops – An onsite visit is performed without recordings and an evaluation is completed by our shopper. These are often referred to as
"paper" shops.
- Audio Shops – The onsite visit is recorded with a concealed audio recorder, uploaded in MP3 or WAV files and embedded in the PDF of the shop
evaluation accessed with the click of your mouse.
- Video Shops – Recorded with state of the art covert equipment, a video affords the advantage of seeing what your customer or prospective resident
experiences during a visit.
- Telephone Shops – A recorded or non‐recorded call performed alone or in conjunction with any other type of shop along with the written evaluation.
- Internet Shops – Designed formats around individual needs, most commonly to track responsiveness to internet inquiries.
- Competitive Shops – Any type of conventional or video shop if state consent laws permit, to determine your competitor's pricing, policies and procedures.
- Digital Photograph Shops – A useful tool to actually see interior and exterior marketing signage, posters, banners, bootleg signs, etc. found throughout
the shop locations. These shops can be performed alone or in conjunction with any other type of shop as well as set up and customized as needed.
- Announce & Award Shops – With exceptional service or when a specific policy or procedure is followed by an employee, the mystery shopper announces
themselves and awards something to the employee. Awards can be monetary, gift cards or a certificate for something special.
All evaluation change requests and custom upgrades should be submitted via our
support system